Django Full Stack Web Development

Duration: 80+ Hrs

Mode: Offline

Code: SDC23WD02



  1. Introduction.
    • Web Technology.
    • DNS, Network & Web Hosting
    • Front-End.
    • Back-End.
    • Why Django and Python ?
    • Installing VS Code editor, Git and Github.
    • Git and Github.
    • Markdown file structure.
  2. Front-End
    • --HTML
    • Tags.
    • Versions.
    • Alternative formats.
    • --CSS
    • Basics of css, scss, sass.
    • Different CSS Frameworks.
    • Using Bootstrap or Materialized css in project.
    • Design Principles.
    • Javascript Basics.
  3. Python.
    • Introduction.
      • Program and Programming Languages.
      • Number Systems.
      • Microcontroller and Microprocessor.
      • History and thrust areas of python.
      • Comparison between C and python.
      • Difference between "proprietary" or "closed source" software and "open source" software.
      • Installation.
    • Variables, Operators and Data types.
      • Identifiers, keywords, variables.
      • Data types.
      • Operators.
      • Type conversion.
      • Comments.
      • Built-in functions/Methods
      • print function.
    • Strings
      • Methods on string.
      • str.format() and F-string method.
    • List.
    • Tuple and sets.
    • Dictionary.
    • Control flow statements.
      • if.
      • if and else.
      • if, elif and else.
      • Nested if.
    • Iteration / loop
      • for loop.
      • while loop.
      • continue and break statements.
    • Functions
      • Built-in functions and methods.
      • Defining a function.
      • Return Statement.
      • Function Parameters.
      • *args and **kwargs.
      • Lambda functions.
    • Errors and Exception.
      • Syntax Errors.
      • Exceptions.
      • Handling Exceptions.
    • Object-Oriented Programming.
      • classes and objects.
      • Attributes.
      • functions / methods.
      • Inheritance.
      • Polymorphism.
  4. Django.
    • Introduction.
      • Web Framework.
      • MVC and MVT Design Pattern.
      • Virtual Environment.
      • Installing Django.
    • First Django Project.
      • Creating a Project.
      • File Structure.
      • Creating App.
      • Views.
      • URL's
      • Model.
      • Admin Panel.
      • Static Files.
    • CRUD Operation.
      • HTTP Requests.
      • CRUD operation through views.
      • CRUD operation through admin panel.
    • Database.
      • Models.
      • Queries.
      • Signals.
      • Managers.
      • Aggregation.
      • Database access Optimization.
      • Multiple databases.
    • Forms and Templates.
      • HTML forms.
      • Django forms.
      • File Uploads.
      • Django template language.
      • form templates.
      • template engines.
    • Views.
      • View decorators.
      • pagination.
      • Built-in class based views.
      • Generic Views.
      • Mixins and Form Handling.
    • Migration.
      • Migration commands.
      • Database schema setup.
      • Reversing migrations.
    • User Authentication and Admin panel.
      • Built in auth module.
      • Customizing admin panel.
      • Customizing the admin form.
      • Customize the admin look and feel.
    • Deployment.
      • Server.
      • Deployment checklist.
      • Pythonanywhere.
      • Digital Ocean / Heroku / Google Cloud.
  5. Build to Learn.
    • Templates.
      • Custom template filter
      • Custom template tags.
    • User Model and authentication.
      • Custom user model.
      • Sessions.
      • OAuth.
    • REST API
      • Web API.
      • Serialization.
      • Authentication.
    • Performance and optimization
      • Caching
      • Database.
      • Minification.
      • Django shortcut functions.
      • debug toolbar.
    • Middleware.
    • Security.
    • Creating CSV and PDF files.
      • Downloading the data stored.
      • Generating PDF files : invoice, report, certificate etc.
    • Sending email & Payment Integration.
    • Internationalization and localization
    • SEO (Search Engine Optimization ) : Sitemaps.
    • ASGI : Django Channels.