Internet of Things Foundation

Duration: 75+ Hrs

Mode: Offline

Code: SDC23IT001



  1. Introduction
    • Introduction to Course
    • Industrial Revolution 4.0
    • Characteristics of IoT
    • IoT Architectures
    • Setting up the lab softwares.
      • PlatformIo
      • VS Code Editor
      • Arduino IDE
      • Thonny
      • VNC Viewer
      • PuTTy
    • Introduction to Git and Github
    • Basic Electrical & Electronics
      • AC & DC Supply, VRPS, Battery
      • RLC, SemiConductors
      • Electronic Switches
      • Isolators, Amplifiers
      • BreadBoard, PCB
      • Soldering
  2. End Point Embedded System Design
  3. IoT Development Boards
    • Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor
    • RISC and CISC architecture
    • Introduction to
      • ALU
      • Clock circuit
      • Timer
      • Interrupts
      • Ports & Pins
      • Machine Cycle
      • UART, SPI, I2C communication
      • Parallel Communication
      • PWM, ADC
    • Scope of ASM programming
    • Arduino Boards
    • ESP32 Boards
    • Raspberry Pi Pico Boards
    • Raspberry Pi SBC (Single Board Computer)
    • Comparison of the development boards
  4. Sensors & Actuators
    • Difference between sensor and transducer
    • Types of Sensors
    • Inductive and Capacitive Sensor
    • Thermal and Magnetic Sensor
    • Smart Sensors
    • Actuators
    • Types of Actuators
    • Review of DataSheets
  5. Embedded C/C++ & Python Programming
    • Compilation and Interpretation
    • RTOS
    • Memory Management
    • Embedded C/C++ programming
      • Data Types
      • Functions
      • keywords
      • Arduino libraries
      • Compilation
    • Python & Micro /Circuit Python
      • Data types
      • variables, keywords
      • Methods
      • Iteration
      • Python libraries
      • Micro Python libraries
      • Difference between python and micro python
  6. IoT Platform
    • Cloud Computing, benefits
    • Open Source vs Closed Source
    • DataBase for IoT application
    • Service Providers
    • Comparing different IoT platforms
  7. IoT Protocol
    • Link Layer Protocol
    • Bluetooth, RFID, NFC, Ethernet, WiFi, WiMax, LR-WPAN, Mobile Communication
    • Network / Internet Layer Protocol
    • IPv4, IPv6, 6LoWPAN
    • Transport Layer Protocol
    • TCP, UDP
    • Application Layer Protocol
    • HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, WebSocket, AMQP
    • MAC Addresses
    • IoT Communication APIs
    • REST APIs
    • WebSocket APIs
  8. Build To Learn
  9. Note: The interfacing topics will be explained with practical applications and projects.

  10. Interfacing Actuator & Displays
    • Circuit design and calculations
    • Interfacing LED with Arduino, Raspberry pi boards
    • Interfacing Relay module
    • Interfacing LCD Displays
    • Interfacing Solenoids
  11. Speed Control of Motors
    • Selection of Motors
    • Isolation of power circuit and controller circuit
    • Interfacing DC Motor
    • Interfacing BLDC Motor
    • Interfacing Servo Motor
  12. Interfacing Analog Input Sensors
    • Interfacing LDR
    • Interfacing Gas Sensors
    • Interfacing Soil Moisture sensor
  13. Interfacing Switches
    • Interfacing push buttons
    • Interfacing toggle switches
    • Interfacing IR Sensors
    • Interfacing Motion Detection Sensors
  14. Interfacing with serial communication modules
    • UART Communication Principle
    • I2C Communication Principle
    • SPI Communication Principle
    • Interfacing Temperature sensors
    • Interfacing Pressure Sensors
  15. Interfacing Wireless communication modules
    • Interfacing Wifi Module
    • Interfacing Bluetooth module
    • Interfacing RFID
  16. Interfacing Camera
    • Configuring Raspberry pi
    • Interfacing Camera module
  17. Integrating Automation System with IOT platform
  18. Designing MQTT protocol based IoT platform using Raspberry Pi
  19. Designing IoT platform using python and integrating centralized end points