Python Advanced

Duration: 72+ Hrs

Mode: Offline

Code: SDC23PY002


Course is designed to provide strong foundation for those,

  • 1. Passionate about Artificial Intelligence
  • 2. Full Stack Web Development
  • 3. Application Development
  • 4. Automation Process etc.,

Learn with real time project.



  1. Introduction.
    • Program and Programming Languages.
    • Number Systems.
    • Microcontroller and Microprocessor.
    • History and thrust areas of python.
    • Comparison between C and python.
    • Difference between "proprietary" or "closed source" software and "open source" software.
    • Installation.
  2. Variables, Operators and Data types.
    • Identifiers, keywords, variables.
    • Data types.
    • Operators.
    • Type conversion.
    • Comments.
    • Built-in functions/Methods
    • print function.
  3. Strings
    • Methods on string.
    • str.format() and F-string method.
  4. List.
  5. Tuple and sets.
  6. Dictionary.
  7. Control flow statements.
    • if.
    • if and else.
    • if, elif and else.
    • Nested if.
  8. Iteration / loop
    • for loop.
    • while loop.
    • continue and break statements.
  9. Functions
    • Built-in functions and methods.
    • Defining a function.
    • Return Statement.
    • Function Parameters.
    • *args and **kwargs.
    • Lambda functions.
  10. Errors and Exception.
    • Syntax Errors.
    • Exceptions.
    • Handling Exceptions.
    • Raising Exceptions.
    • Exception Chaining.
    • User-defined Exceptions.
  11. File Handling.
    • Types of files.
    • File access modes.
    • CSV and json files.
  12. Object-Oriented Programming.
    • Elements
    • classes and objects.
    • Attributes.
    • functions / methods.
    • Encapsulation.
    • Data Hiding.
    • Inheritance.
    • Polymorphism.
    • Reusability.
  13. Classes and Objects.
    • Constructor.
    • Deconstructor.
    • Attributes:
    • Class attributes.
    • data attributes.
    • Public attributes.
    • Private attributes.
    • Methods.
    • Regular methods.
    • Class methods.
    • Static methods.
    • Encapsulation.
    • Inheritance.
    • Importance and types.
    • Inherited variables and methods.
    • Overriding base class methods and super() function.
    • Multiple Inheritances.
    • Method Resolution Order (MRO)
    • Polymorphism
    • Operator overloading.
    • Magic Methods.
  14. Essential Modules.
    • Arrays.
    • Date and Time.
    • JSON.
    • Pillow.
    • dbsqlite 3
    • smtp and email.
  15. Web Scrapping.
    • Request.
    • Beautifulsoup.
  16. GUI programming.
    • Tkinter.
  17. Numpy.
  18. Matplotlib.
  19. others
    • Generators.
    • Iterators.
    • List Comprehension.
    • Decorators.
    • Regular Expression.
    • Logging.
    • Testing.
    • Context Manager.
    • Argparser.
    • Static Typing.