Web Development

Duration: 35+ Hrs

Mode: Offline

Code: SDC23WD001



  1. Introduction.
    • Web Technology.
    • DNS, Network & Web Hosting
    • Front-End.
    • Back-End.
    • Installing VS Code editor, Git and Github.
    • Git and Github.
    • Markdown file structure.
  2. HTML
    • Introduction
      • What is HTML?
      • HTML element
      • Attributes
      • Document structure.
      • Special characters in HTML
      • HTML comments
      • Versions.
      • Alternative formats.
      • Meta Data
    • HTML Text
      • Headings and paragraphs
      • Lists
      • Emphasis and importance
      • Quotations
      • Abbreviations
      • Marking up contact details
      • Superscript and subscript
      • Representing computer code
      • Marking up times and dates
    • Hyperlinks
      • What is a hyperlink?
      • Structure of a link
      • URLs and paths
      • Link best practices
      • Creating a navigation menu
      • Email links
    • Multimedia and embedding
      • How do we put an image on a webpage?
      • Media assets and licensing
      • Annotating images with figures and figure captions
      • Video and audio on the web
      • Displaying video text tracks
      • iframe, embed and object element.
      • What are vector graphics?
      • What is SVG?
      • Adding SVG to html pages.
      • Responsive Images.
    • HTML Tables
      • What is a table?
      • Table elements.
      • Adding a caption to your table with <caption>
      • Adding structure with <thead>, <tfoot>, and <tbody>
      • Nesting Tables
      • Tables for visually impaired users.
    • Forms
      • The <form> element
      • The <fieldset> and <legend> elements
      • The <label> element
      • Common HTML structures used with forms
      • Text input fields
      • Checkable items: checkboxes and radio buttons
      • Actual buttons
      • File picker
      • Common attributes
      • HTML 5 input types.
      • Form Controls.
      • Form Validation.
      • Built-in form validation.
  3. CSS
    • Introduction
      • What is CSS?
      • Getting started with CSS
      • CSS Structure.
      • Versions.
    • Building Blocks
      • CSS selectors
      • Type, class, and ID selectors
      • Attribute selectors
      • Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
      • Combinators
      • Cascade, specificity, and inheritance
      • Cascade layers
      • The box model
      • Backgrounds and borders
      • Handling different text directions
      • Overflowing content
      • CSS values and units
      • Sizing items in CSS
      • Images, media, and form elements
      • Styling tables
    • Styling Text
      • Fundamental text and font styling
      • Styling lists
      • Styling links
      • Web fonts
    • CSS Layout.
      • Introduction to CSS layout
      • Normal Flow
      • Flexbox
      • Grids
      • Floats
      • Positioning
      • Multiple-column layout
      • Responsive design
      • Beginner's guide to media queries
      • Legacy layout methods
      • Supporting older browsers
      • Fundamental layout comprehension
    • Basics of scss, sass.
    • Different CSS Frameworks.
      • Bootstrap css
      • Materialize css
      • Tailwind Css
      • Foundation etc.
    • Using Bootstrap or Materialized css in project.
  4. Javascript.
    • Introduction
      • What is JavaScript?
      • Versions
    • Fundamentals
      • Introduction to programming.
      • Identifiers, Variables, Operators.
      • Data types.
      • Comments, Console.
      • Control Statements.
      • Loops.
      • Arrays and Objects.
      • Strings.
      • Functions.
      • Global, local and block scope variables.
      • Error Handling.
    • Client Side Web API
      • History object.
      • Navigation, location and screen object.
      • DOM tree
      • DOM Methods.
      • Selectors
      • Events.
      • Scheduling.
      • Third-party API
      • Video and Audio APIs
  5. Build to Learn.
    • Validation and Debugging HTML.
    • Debugging CSS.
    • Organizing CSS.
    • Design Principles.
    • Form validation using JavaScript.
    • Form methods : GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
    • Custom form Controls.
    • Client Side Storage.
    • Math ML.
    • Basic Javascript libraries.